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Tourist itineraries

Sperlonga and its rocky village

Keep going north from Gaeta, Sperlonga is perched on the coast. It is a small seaside city located along the S.S. Flacca on a spur of the rock Monte Magno above the sea. On the extreme edge of land lying on the sea you can admire an old lookout: tower Truglia. Sperlonga is surrounded by two gulfs of  fine and gold sand, well-known as Riviera of Levante and Riviera of Ponente. The first one extends up to the Tiberius’ cave with the Angolo beach, while the second one is in the lower part of the city, with the beaches o fFontana, Canzatora, Salette and Bonifica.

The tourist-environmental assets are completed by the presence of two lakes: San Puoto and Lungo, also called “the eyes” of Sperlonga.

All the houses in the old town were white. There, there were picturesque alleys with stairs and arches. In Sperlonga you can admire the remains of medieval walls and doors. The Tiberius Cave and the National Archaeological Museum attract an increasing number of visitors.


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ATTENZIONE: SOLO PER GLI ALLOGGI, nei mesi di Luglio e Agosto, il soggiorno minimo è settimanale, da domenica a domenica, mentre durante il resto dell'anno sono richieste minimo due notti.

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Via Flacca Km 21.657 – 04024 Gaeta LT
+39 0771 554012 – +39 342 6027745 – +39 347 3509299
P.IVA 01576880593

Camping a Gaeta, Sosta Camper, Bungalows, Case Mobili, Spiaggia Attrezzata, Bar, Area Barbecue

bandiera blu spiaggia Sant Agostino