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Where we are

“Playa Colorada” is in Gaeta, well-known as the pearl of the Tyrrhenian sea because of the environmental and architecture. Our structure, located on Sant’Agostino Beach, is surrounded by unique views: caves, coves, and corners of nature that will make your holiday on the beach particularly enjoyable and relaxing.

Our camping is ideally located, not only to enjoy the wonderful landscapes, but as a starting point for many and very interesting tourist itineraries.

How to reach us

If you come from the North of Italy:

“Playa Colorada” is easy to reach via ‘Autostrada del Sole’ (motorway)(A1), exit at CASSINO an then take the motorway for FORMIA. Proceeding to GAETA and then to SPERLONGA (SR 213). We are approximately 7 km from Gaeta on St’Agostino beach.


Exit at ROMA SUD, go through GRANDE RACCORDO ANULARE (GRA) for Sud-NAPOLI and then SS 148 (Via Pontina) for POMEZIA/LATINA. Once you have gone through SPERLONGA and the tunnels, you are on St’Agostino beach. We are approximately 2 km from the last tunnel.

If you come from the South of Italy:

“Playa Colorada” is easy to reach via ‘Autostrada del Sole’ (motorway)(A1), exit at CASSINO an then take the motorway for FORMIA. Proceeding to GAETA and then to SPERLONGA (SR 213). We are approximately 7 km from Gaeta.


Following the SS Domiziana from Napoli e go through FORMIA Proceeding to GAETA and then to SPERLONGA (SR 213). We are approximately 7 km from Gaeta on St’Agostino beach.

Check availability Bungalows, Mobile Home, Campsite

ATTENZIONE: SOLO PER GLI ALLOGGI, nei mesi di Luglio e Agosto, il soggiorno minimo è settimanale, da domenica a domenica, mentre durante il resto dell'anno sono richieste minimo due notti.

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Via Flacca Km 21.657 – 04024 Gaeta LT
+39 0771 554012 – +39 342 6027745 – +39 347 3509299
P.IVA 01576880593

Camping a Gaeta, Sosta Camper, Bungalows, Case Mobili, Spiaggia Attrezzata, Bar, Area Barbecue

bandiera blu spiaggia Sant Agostino