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Tourist itineraries

Gaeta: among sea, art and culture

10 km of beaches separated by rocky peaks, each distinguished by a Genoese watchtower. Our campsite is located in this picturesque landscape between Gaeta and Sperlonga.

Gaeta’s seven beaches are deservedly popular, with sparkling water, white sand and well-run lidos (pay-to-use beaches). Most visitors head to Serapo Beach. Here, according to the legend Enea would bury his nurse, Cajeta. The town’s name derives from her.

However in Gaeta there is not only the sea. You can explore the Urban Park of Monte Orlando, a part of the largest Regional Park Riviera of Ulysses, where the Mediterranean vegetation develops in all its richness and suddenly dives into the blue sea through the breathtaking cliffs that characterize the coastline. On the mountain, you’ll also find historical testimonies such as the ancient Roman Mausoleum of Lucius Muniatus Plancus, and religious such as  the Sanctuary of the Holy Trinity. Don’t miss Montagna Spaccata, or Split Mountain, on Monte Orlando, with the famous hand print in the rock, the protagonist of narratives between religion and legend.

Gaeta amazes and conquers also because of the richness of archaeological, architectural and artistic heritage. The Sanctuary of SS. Annunziata(1931) with the chapel of the Immaculate (well-known as chapel of gold), which begged several popes, including Pope Pius IX and John Paul II; the historic Palazzo De Vio with the Diocesan Museum, where it is possible to admire the Standard of Lepanto, which waved the flagship of the papal fleet during the Battle of Lepanto (October 7, 1571) the cathedral with the Romanesque- Moorish bell tower of the XII century; the Angevin-Aragonese castle, made by  Frederick II of Swabia.

And then the picturesque and mediaeval quarter composed by curvy streets, towers, churches, stairs, portals and bell-towers compose an architectural set of great interest on which stands the neo-gothic style of St. Francis Church.

Porto Salvo, the old quartier of fishermen and farmers, is an important district of the town of Gaeta with via Indipendenza and its alleys, its churches and its traditions strongly linked to the sea. In the past it was a stage of popular life.

One of the most important celebrations is the one of the Madonna of Porto Salvo, honoured on the second Sunday of August. The heart of the celebration is a great procession in the sea during which the blond Madonna of Porto Salvo, dressed in a silky mantle as a protector of seafarers, is placed on a large boat decorated with flowers and festoons.

At dusk, the ship carrying the statue of the Madonna goes away followed by hundreds of boats of all kinds giving a highly suggestive spectacle. The culmination is  in the rite of the blessing of the waters, while a Wreath of flowers is thrown between the waves in memory of all the fallen sailors.

Turning now to the culinary arts, Tiella di Gaeta is a must-try dish. Tiella looks like it was prepared in a springform pan and has two crusts. It’s stuffed with seafood, vegetables or a combination of the two.

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ATTENZIONE: SOLO PER GLI ALLOGGI, nei mesi di Luglio e Agosto, il soggiorno minimo è settimanale, da domenica a domenica, mentre durante il resto dell'anno sono richieste minimo due notti.

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Via Flacca Km 21.657 – 04024 Gaeta LT
+39 0771 554012 – +39 342 6027745 – +39 347 3509299
P.IVA 01576880593

Camping a Gaeta, Sosta Camper, Bungalows, Case Mobili, Spiaggia Attrezzata, Bar, Area Barbecue

bandiera blu spiaggia Sant Agostino